15 December 2024 – Advent III

Church of Ireland

Calry Parish Church

Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh

Notice Sheet

15 December 2024 – Advent III

Rector: Ven Patrick Bamber Tel: 071 91 46513

Associate Minister: Canon Ronnie Bourke

email: rector@calry.ie  fb:/calryparishchurch  www.calry.ie  Day off – Monday

A diverse yet unified community of all ages, sharing the message of Jesus by word and deed in Sligo and beyond.



This is our Sunday School Nativity Service.

Scripture portions: Psalm 100 & Philippians 4.4-7.

Hymns: 152 Come and join the celebration; 162 In the bleak mid-winter; 195 Lord, the light of your love is shining.

Please stay for coffee and tea after the service.

3 pm St John’s Hospital Evening Prayer.


Services in Advent and Christmas Times

Date Description Details
Sunday 22nd Carols by Candlelight

NB: No morning service

6.00 pm
Tuesday 24th Christmas Eve 11.00 pm Holy Communion
Wednesday 25th Christmas Day 11.00 am All Age
Sunday 29th Christmas I 11.00 am Morning Prayer
Tuesday 31st New Year’s Eve 8.00 pm Compline


Sunday School

Thank you very much to Áine, Pippa, Anastaysia, Rama and Amy for all their efforts over the last term. We would love to have some more help with the children’s and youth work in Calry. Ask if you are interested.


Next Sunday

We will need contributions of mince-pies etc for the food after next Sunday’s carol service. Remember there is no morning service. If you can spare some time we need help with cleaning the church thoroughly for Christmas. Meet on Friday at 6.00 pm. Or arrange with Patrick to come on another time.


Who Could you Invite?

Please use the red leaflets with all our service times to invite someone you know to join us over the festive season.

Choir Practice

The church choir will practise with Nils on Thursday 19th at 7.00 pm.


Tuesday Bible Study

We have our final meeting on Tuesday before the Christmas break, which will be a Holy Communion at 11.15 am in the Rectory.


Wednesday Alpha Course

The final session before the Christmas break is ‘Does God heal today?’ on Wednesday at 7.30 pm. We will resume on Wednesday 8th.


Confirmation Preparation and CU

We are taking a break until Friday 10 January.




Saturday 8 am Inter-church Prayer Meeting

We are taking a break until January when the schedule is as follows:

4th     43 Heatherview                George & Gwyneth Rich

11th    Methodist Church             Doris Narin

18th    Presbyterian Church         David Clarke

25th    Manorhamilton                Matthew & Pam Boardwell

If you need a lift or just directions please ask Patrick.


Methodist Church

Wednesday 18th December. Carol Service at 7:30 pm

Friday 20th December Blue Christmas at 7.00 pm

(if you’re not familiar with a Blue Christmas service, it’s a time of prayer and reflection for people for whom Christmas is a time of sadness, grief, loneliness and sorrow rather than joy)



Reverend Feruzi, director of the Bible School in Kindu, sends his greetings to everyone in Calry. His students are out on placement at the moment. They are hoping to cultivate fields near the school so that there is a little bit of income generated to support the students.


Archbishop Masimango is formulating a new project for us to consider supporting in the New Year. Watch this space!


Please pray for the country as the President is looking to amend the Constitution to allow him to stay on after the end of his second term in office.


Appeal for Help

A young woman in her 20s is looking to rent a small house for herself and her 6 year old dog. Do you know of anything? Talk to Patrick.


Could you use a 3 year old Brother A3 size ink-jet printer? It’s free to a good home! Ask Patrick for details.


Joshua Pringle

This is Josh’s last Sunday with us after his placement. We wish him every blessing as he continues his training at the CITI (The Church of Ireland Theological Institute) in Dublin and prepares to get married to Victoria.


Extra Prayer Points

  • our Christmas services
  • young people preparing for confirmation
  • government for the common good
  • DR Congo
  • Syria for a peaceful and just transition to stable government


Surely God is my salvation;

I will trust and not be afraid.

For the Lord God is my strength and my might

Isaiah 12.2