19 January 2025 – 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Church of Ireland

Calry Parish Church

Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh

Notice Sheet

19 January 2025 – 2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Rector: Ven Patrick Bamber Tel: 071 91 46513

Associate Minister: Canon Ronnie Bourke

email: rector@calry.ie  fb:/calryparishchurch  www.calry.ie  Day off – Monday

A diverse yet unified community of all ages, sharing the message of Jesus by word and deed in Sligo and beyond.




Bible readings are: Isaiah 62.1-5, Psalm 36.5-10 and John 2.1-11.

Sunday School is meeting today.

A warm welcome back to Eunjoo who is leading our sung worship today.

Hymns are: 6 Immortal, invisible, God only wise; Speak O Lord; Adoration; 448 The trumpets sound

3.00 pm St John’s Hospital Evening Prayer.


Main Sunday Services

Date Name Details
26th January 3rd after Epiphany 11.00 am Holy Communion
2nd February Presentation of Christ 11.00 am All Age


Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

This is the WPCU (18th – 25th January). The service for Sligo is to be held in the Methodist Church on Friday 24th at 8.00 pm. Please join us if you are free.


Tuesday Bible Study

11.15-12.30 pm in the Rectory.


Select Vestry

The next meeting of the SV is due to take place on Thursday 23rd at 8.00 pm.


Confirmation Preparation and CU

The Cabin, SGS Friday at 3.15 – 4.15 pm.


Saturday 8 am Inter-church Prayer Meeting

25th January     Calry

1st February     9 Chapel Lane, Manorhamilton, F91 D8X2

8th  February    Sligo Baptist Church



Lionel Gallagher, former Deputy Principal of The Grammar, has died. He taught in the school for 40 years. His death occurred on Wednesday 15th in St John’s Hospital where his widow Joan is still a resident. The funeral took place in Nazareth House Chapel yesterday, led by Fr John Carol.


A message from Archbishop Masimango sent on Saturday:

Topics for Prayer:

  1. Pray for the annual planning of the Diocese especially the various pastoral visiting tours in the different parishes. May the Lord provide the necessary financial means for these trips. [These trips would be like travelling the length and breadth of Ireland without tarmacked roads.]
  2. Pray for Naomie [the Archbishop’s wife] who lost her brother Abeli ​​Mankunku Kipros on 5th January 2025. He was a Provincial Deputy and leaves behind a widow and 12 children.



LA – Message from John Mark Comer Vintage Church, LA

Our hearts lament with many of our new friends and community whose homes burned. It’s hard to express how apocalyptic the devastation is … one of the few times when the reality is worse than on the news! This will be a generational moment for Southern California… Many have asked how they can help: for now, pray for rain!


News from the Quills in South Sudan

There's unrest here in Juba and shops … are closed. This is following the brutal killing of South Sudanese living in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, a few days ago and revenge rioting here in Juba on Thursday night. A nationwide curfew is in place from 6pm - 6am.  Please pray for revenge attacks to stop and peace to reign.


New Bishop of Paraguay

Iglesia Anglicana Paraguaya - The Anglican Church of Paraguay – have settled on a new bishop. It is Revd Ronald Irene - Tammy’s dad! The consecration is due to take place in Asunción on 27 March.


New Sligo Men’s Fellowship

SLIGO MEN'S FELLOWSHIP will be starting on 7" February 12 noon – 1.00 pm in Sligo Methodist Church.

As a Men’s Fellowship in Sligo, we aim to:

+ find ways to study the word of God and apply it in practical ways to daily life

+ find common grounds to address challenges that are faced with men in general



We have developed a very special link with some of the Ukrainian community in Sligo. Many have been told to look for alternative accommodation from 17th March. At the moment there don’t seem to be many options. However, help is at hand. Under the Irish Govt ARP scheme financial assistance is being given. Do you know of anyone who may have some spare accommodation (a granny annexe, a vacant property) they would be willing to rent out? Speak to Patrick.


Search for a new Dean

St John’s, St Anne’s and Rosses Point have started to advertise for a new Dean. Please pray for the best person to be found to lead the three churches forward in mission.


A Prayer for those who Grieve

Father of all, in whom we are one with your saints, we remember with thanksgiving those whom we love but see no longer. Keep us in unbroken fellowship with your whole Church, and grant that at the last we may all rejoice together in your heavenly home; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


Extra Prayer Points

  • housing crisis in Ireland and here in Sligo
  • a new Dean for the Sligo Cathedral Group
  • successful start to the peace deal between Israel and Hamas
  • the situation in LA
  • DR Congo and our link diocese of Kindu



…as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride,

so will your God rejoice over you.  Isaiah 62.5