20 October 2024 – Trinity XXI

Church of Ireland

Calry Parish Church

Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh

Notice Sheet

20 October 2024 – Trinity XXI

Rector: Ven Patrick Bamber Tel: 071 91 46513

Associate Minister: Canon Ronnie Bourke

email: rector@calry.ie  fb:/calryparishchurch  www.calry.ie  Day off – Monday


A diverse yet unified community of all ages, sharing the message of Jesus by word and deed in Sligo and beyond.



Welcome to worship today!

Sunday School is meeting this morning.

Scripture portions:  Job 38.2-7 & 34-42, Psalm 104.1-10, Hebrews 5.1-10 & Mark 10.35-45.

Hymns: 276 Majesty, worship his majesty; 222 Here is love vast as the ocean; Still (Hide me now); King of Kings, majesty.

A warm welcome to Joshua Pringle (2nd year CITI) and Peter Bamber who both join us this morning.

Coffee and tea are available after the service.

3 pm St John’s Hospital Evening Prayer.


Forthcoming Calry Service Times

Date Title Details Sunday School & BTG
27 October 5th before Advent 11.00 am Holy Communion – Canon Ronnie SS
3 November 4th before Advent 11.00 am All Age Service – Joshua Pringle  


Alpha Course

Alpha has started. Now is a perfect time to join us! It’s at 7.30 pm in the Rectory on Wednesdays. We start with some dessert and chat, watch a video and have a discussion. It’s a great experience – why not try it?


We need various forms of help: could you offer to make a dessert one week? Please remember to pray for the group. Perhaps there is someone you could invite. To find out more speak to Temi, Bushik or Patrick.


Sunday School

Children must be registered, even if you did so last year. Go to the link: https://forms.gle/E83mH3X1Ft95pXHP9

Bell Tower Group

Parents need to register their young people for BTG and all other youth activities – once lasts for the whole academic year. Go to: https://forms.gle/ATicUALxZvbw5ddQ7

Future dates for BTG: 3rd November, 17th November & 1st December.


Tuesday Bible Study

The mid-week group is continuing to meet in the Rectory at 11.15 am – 12.30 pm each Tuesday. We are looking at a book by Pete Greig called ‘How to hear God – a simple guide for normal people’.


Young Adults’ (18-25s)

7.00 pm every Tuesday evening at ReCentre on the Mail Coach Rd.



Currently meeting for prayer on Tuesdays at 9.00 am in the Refectory and Thursdays 1-2 pm in the Sanctuary (Student Services Building).


Saturday 8 am Inter-church Prayer Meeting

26th October – Hosted by Matthew Boardwell (location TBC)

Flowers in Church

If you have a creative streak why not consider using it by helping on the flower rota? Speak to Yvonne Stuart for more information.


Sunday School and Youth Team

Would you like to be involved in helping our young people and children grow in faith? If you would please get in touch. Checks and training will be required.


Pam Scanlon

Our very own Pam is part of a team mainly from Mercy College travelling to Kisiju in Tanzania from Tuesday 22nd October to Sunday 3rd November.


Children’s Light Party Friday 1st November

Sligo Presbyterian Church are hosting a Light Party in their hall as an alternative to Halloween for all children of National School age on Friday 1st November from 4pm - 5:30pm. It will be free of charge and children are welcome to dress up if they wish (no scary costumes please).



…to Hilary Smith who marked her 90th birthday last week.


Extra Prayer Points

  • The Alpha Course
  • Pam Scanlon’s trip to Kisiju in Tanzania
  • all involved in education inc Cosy Cats, Carbury, the Grammar and ATU etc
  • health care workers
  • our friends and partners in Little Shelford and Kindu (DRC)
  • God’s name to be glorified and his plans prevail in the midst of the mess and mayhem in our world



During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death,

and he was heard because of his reverent submission.

Hebrews 5.7