Church of Ireland
Calry Parish Church
Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh
Notice Sheet
23 February 2025 – second Sunday before Lent
Rector: Ven Patrick Bamber Tel: 071 91 46513
Associate Minister: Canon Ronnie Bourke
email: rector@calry.ie fb:/calryparishchurch www.calry.ie Day off – Monday
A diverse yet unified community of all ages, sharing the message of Jesus by word and deed in Sligo and beyond.
Welcome to this morning’s service of Holy Communion!
There is no Sunday School today. It will resume on 9th March. (Next week is our All Age Service.)
Bible readings today are: Revelation 4 and Luke 8.22-35.
Hymns are: 346 Angel voices ever singing (omitting v 3); Light of the world; I will sing the wondrous story.
3.00 pm St John’s Holy Communion.
Main Services
Date | Name | Details |
2 March | Sunday before Lent | 11.00 am All Age |
5 March | Ash Wednesday | 8.00 pm Holy Communion |
9 March | Lent I | 11.00 am Service of the Word |
Tuesday Bible Study
11.15-12.30 pm in the Rectory using ‘Practising the Way’. All welcome!
Confirmation Preparation and CU
The group resumes on Friday 28th February at 3.15 pm.
Saturday 8 am Inter-church Prayer Meeting
1 March Drumcliffe Church (if you would like to come but need a lift just ask the Rector)
Kids’ Connect Club at Sligo Presbyterian Church
The SPC Kids' Connect club is starting back for another 5 weeks beginning on Friday 28th February. It’s for all children of National School age and will run from 4:30pm - 5:30pm. Questions? Call Mary on 085 123 2988.
The situation in DRC is very bad. There are various groups fighting for control of regions in the east of the country, M23 is the largest. It is backed by Rwanda. But there are also troops from Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi who all seem to be supporting claims to areas adjoining their borders. The Congolese army seems to have been unable to prevent these incursions. Some terrible human rights abuses have been committed.
Archbishop Emeritus Masimango has explained that because of the fighting the cost of basic essentials has doubled. In discussion with CMSI it is agreed that the most practical thing we can do to help is to send money for emergency relief to purchase food and medicines. This money will go quickly via CMSI directly to Kindu. If you can please give today or send your gift via CMSI marking it clearly Kindu Emergency Relief.
A young married couple are looking for a place to rent in Sligo. Do you know of anything? Speak to the Bambers.
Valentine, Anastaysia, Sasha and Daniella are moving to a new location near Riverstown on Tuesday.
We will mark Ash Wednesday with a service of Holy Communion at 8 pm on Wednesday 5 March.
The following Wednesday, 12 March, we will start a special series based on a course called ‘Practicing the Way’ at 8 pm in the Catacombs. If you would like to join in please sign your name on the list at the back of church. The course book costs €15. (Speak to the Rector if the cost is prohibitive.) Many thanks! For more about the course go to: www.practicingtheway.org
Wisdom – a new one act play by Gerry Farrell
Colin O’Rourke has discovered that retirement is not what he thought it would be! An evening of drama, humour and self-discovery. Skreen-Dromard Community Centre 7th March 8.30 pm and St Brigid’s Hall, Tubbercurry 18 March 8.30 pm. For more information contact Revd Andy Pierce 086 170 5888.
Calry Mission Conference Saturday 5 April
In collaboration with CMSI and other parachurch organisations we are going to host a short mission conference on Saturday 5 April in Calry. It will run from 10 am – 1 pm and will give a great opportunity to hear about what is going on in various parts of the world, as well as here in Ireland. It should be informative, inspiring and motivating. Please plan to come!
Brand New Newsletter
CIEF (Church of Ireland Evangelical Fellowship) have started a new quarterly newsletter. To sign up connect to the QR code.
Calry is to receive a grant from the Built Heritage Investment Scheme for €10,000 for the first phase of the roof project repairing the leaky parapet roof on the north (roadside) of the church. This is good news! However, this still leaves us needing to find around €6,000 for the work to be carried out.
Happy birthday to Navy Maritz who is 3, today! And to Pam Scanlon who was …. last week!
In Memory
The anniversary of Betty Cornwall (née Bolan) is on 26 February.
Extra Prayer Points
- confirmation candidates and youth work
- a new Dean for the Sligo Cathedral Group
- the devastated lives and regions trying to recover from the fighting in Gaza, Lebanon and Israel
- a de-escalation of the fighting in eastern DRC
- a just and durable peace in Ukraine
‘You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and honour and power,
for your created all things,
and by your will they were created and have their being.’
Revelation 4.11