8 December 2024 – Advent II

Church of Ireland

Calry Parish Church

Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh

Notice Sheet

8 December 2024 – Advent II

Rector: Ven Patrick Bamber Tel: 071 91 46513

Associate Minister: Canon Ronnie Bourke

email: rector@calry.ie  fb:/calryparishchurch  www.calry.ie  Day off – Monday

A diverse yet unified community of all ages, sharing the message of Jesus by word and deed in Sligo and beyond.



This is the second Sunday of Advent.

The service is being led by Canon Ronnie Bourke. (The Rector is in Munninane.)

Sunday School is meeting today.

Scripture portions: Malachi 3.1-4 and Luke 3.1-6.

Hymns: 134 Make way, make way; 136 On Jordon’s bank; 640 Purify my heart; 634 Love divine all loves excelling.

If you would like to be prayed for, just ask!

Please stay for coffee and tea after the service.

3 pm St John’s Hospital Evening Prayer.


Services in Advent and Christmas Times

Date Description Details
Tuesday 10th Grammar School Carol Service 11.30 am
Thursday 12th Catalysts’ Carol Service 10.30 am
Friday 13th Carbury NS Carol Service 10.00 am
Sunday 15th Sunday School Nativity Service 11.00 am All Age
Sunday 22nd Carols by Candlelight

NB: No morning service

6.00 pm
Tuesday 24th Christmas Eve 11.00 pm Holy Communion
Wednesday 25th Christmas Day 11.00 am All Age
Sunday 29th Christmas I 11.00 am Morning Prayer
Tuesday 31st New Year’s Eve 8.00 pm Compline


Who Could you Invite?

Please use the red leaflets with all our service times to invite someone you know to join us over Advent and Christmas.

Tuesday Bible Study

There is no Bible study group this week because of the Grammar School carol service.


Wednesday Alpha Course

We have two more Wednesday evenings before we break for Christmas and then have two more in the New Year. This week it is: ‘Why and how should I tell others?’


Confirmation Preparation and CU

Any young people wishing to be confirmed please join us in the Cabin, in the grounds of Sligo Grammar on Fridays at 3.15-4.15 pm.

Saturday 8 am Inter-church Prayer Meeting

14 December – Brian & Helen Donaghys’ led by Mark and Angie Spence


Saturday Carol Singing

Also, would you like to be part of an ecumenical carol singing outreach in Quayside on Saturday 14th? Speak to the Rector for more details.



Sligo Baroque Orchestra

A Christmas fundraising concert for Focus Ireland (homeless charity) is taking place on Saturday 14th December at 6.00 pm in Calry. It is a performance of Part I of Handel’s Messiah.


Youth for Christ

Christmas Party on Saturday 14th in the Crib at 7 pm. Wear a costume and bring a small gift to play white elephant secret Santa.

St John’s Carol Service

Thank you very much to the choir for making a special occasion yesterday for residents of St John’s Hospital and their families.

Ballyshannon Christmas Tree Festival

St Anne’s Ballyshannon are hosting a Christmas Tree Festival until Monday 9 December.


Dromahair Christmas Tree Festival

Today is the last day from 12 – 5 pm. For more information email joyce.gillmor@gmail.com


Mothers’ Union Rise Up Prayer

The 16 days of Activism against gender based violence runs until 10th December. Please use this special RISE UP prayer during that time.

We pray for your compassion as we seek to RESPOND,

for your wisdom as we become better INFORMED,

for your gentleness as we try to SUPPORT,

for your strength as we hope to EMPOWER,

and the mark of your Holy Spirit that UNITES us to work, and to PRAY,

unceasingly until situations change and freedom, life and love is restored to all.

In your dear and powerful name, we cry out to you together. Amen.


Bishops’ Appeal for the Middle East

BA is asking parishes to pray for the Middle East especially on Advent Sunday. You might like to use this prayer from Christian Aid:

God, hear our prayers for peace in the Middle East.

May all people in the region be protected, safe from harm.

We pray that this crisis will end now, with no further loss of life.

God, may the injured and distressed know your healing presence.

May the powerful and the decision-makers follow the paths of justice, mercy and peace.

We pray for recognition of the dignity and value of every life.

May the clamour of violence cease, replaced by the beating of swords into ploughshares.

God, in your name, Amen.

Suspicious Email

If you receive an email purporting to be from Patrick but using an address you don’t recognise block it.


Appeal for Help

A young woman in her 20s is looking to rent a small house for herself and her 6 year old dog. Do you know of anything? Talk to Patrick.


Extra Prayer Points

  • the Alpha Course
  • young people preparing for confirmation
  • the MU 16 Days of Activism against gender based violence
  • government for the common good
  • those suffering in war zones around the world


Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple

Malachi 3.1