9 March 2025 – Lent I

Church of Ireland

Calry Parish Church

Diocese of Kilmore, Elphin and Ardagh

Notice Sheet

9 March 2025 – Lent I

Rector: Ven Patrick Bamber Tel: 071 91 46513

Associate Minister: Canon Ronnie Bourke

email: rector@calry.ie  fb:/calryparishchurch  www.calry.ie  Day off – Monday

A diverse yet unified community of all ages, sharing the message of Jesus by word and deed in Sligo and beyond.



Welcome to Lent!

Sunday School resumes today.

Bible readings today are: Psalm 91.1-2, 9-16, Romans 10.8b-13 and Luke 4.1-13.

Hymns are: Cornerstone; Praise to the holiest in the height 108; When the music fades; When peace like a river

3.00 pm St John’s Evening Prayer.


Main Services

Date Name Details
16 March Lent II 11.00 am Service of the Word
17 March St Patrick’s Day 10.00 am Holy Communion
23 March Lent III 11.00 am Service of the Word


Tuesday Bible Study

11.15-12.30 pm in the Rectory. All welcome!


On Wednesday we will start a special series based on a course called ‘Practicing the Way’ at 8 pm in the Catacombs. If you would like to join in please sign your name on the list at the back of church. The course book costs €15. (Speak to the Rector if the cost is prohibitive.) For more about the course go to: www.practicingtheway.org

Confirmation Preparation and CU

The group is meeting at the earlier time this Friday 14th of 1.00 pm in the Grammar School library.


Saturday 8 am Inter-church Prayer Meeting

15 March  Heatherview, Tonaphubble, F91 P2CH


Kids’ Connect Club at Sligo Presbyterian Church

The SPC Kids' Connect club has resumed on Friday afternoons.  It’s for all children of National School age and will run from 4:30pm - 5:30pm.   Questions? Call Mary on 085 123 2988.


Wisdom – a new one act play by Gerry Farrell

Colin O’Rourke has discovered that retirement is not what he thought it would be! An evening of drama, humour and self-discovery. St Brigid’s Hall, Tubbercurry 18 March 8.30 pm. For more information contact Revd Andy Pierce 086 170 5888.


CMS Ireland Writes about the Sustainable Development Goals:

Our partners have been telling us of the many programmes that were stopped overnight when aid was cut. Education, health, food relief, local jobs – all gone. The consequences on the ground have been catastrophic for many, many people. Secretary-General António Guterres spoke to the press at UN Headquarters, in New York. “Beyond direct humanitarian relief, the cuts will also severely affect global health and security efforts.” International aid programmes “have not only saved lives, built peace and improved the state of the world. They have contributed to the stability and prosperity” that we all depend on. As part of the global family of Christ, our efforts to care for one another are more necessary than ever.



A young married couple really need a place to rent in Sligo. Do you know of anything? Please Speak to the Bambers.

New School Secretary Needed

Carbury NS is looking for a new school secretary. The role is for 30 hours a week from 8.40 am – 2.40 pm Monday – Friday. Applications with CVs need to be submitted by 5 pm on Monday 10 March to The Chairperson, c/o Carbury NS.

Clothing Collection

The Carbury School Parent Association is organising a clothing collection this month. We encourage people to set aside any items suitable for recycling. This is a great opportunity to do a spring clean while supporting the school. The collection runs until the 21st March, and all bags can be dropped into the school.


Revd David Clarke

We pray for Sligo Presbyterian Church and Revd David Clarke after his announcement last Sunday that he is leaving at the end of the month. We wish him every blessing in whatever he goes on to do. His ministry in Sligo has been a very fruitful one.

Calry Mission Conference Saturday 5 April

In collaboration with CMSI and other parachurch organisations we are going to host a morning mission conference on Saturday 5 April in Calry. It will run from 10 am – 12.30 pm and will give a great opportunity to hear about what is going on in various parts of the world, as well as here in Ireland. It should be informative, inspiring and motivating. Please plan to come!


The Latest Prayer Requests from Archbishop Masimango in Kindu:

  1. For the country to live in peace, for the rebels to stop violence against the population
  2. ⁠For us to have the spiritual strength to push us to testify to the love of God around us
  3. ⁠For Jesus Christ to reign in the lives of the Congolese
  4. ⁠For Canon Ngabon Masudi who has just lost his wife Apendeki. May God console him and give him courage.


Thank you very much to those of you who have already given something for the emergency relief fund for Kindu. As a result of the fighting with various rebel groups in the east the cost of essential items has doubled.


Extra Prayer Points

  • Lent would be a time of growth and maturing
  • confirmation candidates and youth work
  • a new Dean for the Sligo Cathedral Group
  • Sligo Presbyterian Church and Revd David Clarke
  • Sligo Mission Conference on 5th April



 ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’

‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’

‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’

Luke 4